A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I had a chat about getting Kaleigh a potty.
While she is a tad young than most who start potty training, she's shown great interest in the potty and has taken to squatting when she goes. She's also into mocking us, so we figured that when we go, she can at least sit on it and get the idea if she wishes.
I have read various posts from other moms about suggestions on potties, why certain ones are better than others, etc. I always thought I'd want to get one that would sit directly onto our toilet, as that's what the little girl used that I nannied. It's amazing at what a different ball game it is when it's YOUR child.
I decided that since my child is really into mimicking, that she needed her own potty. I didn't want something big and bulky, and I wanted something semi practical. I found this potty at Fred Meyer, which, immediately, won me over:
This potty is a potty, a step stool, and the potty part comes out and sits in the big potty. It also has a motion sensor that plays music when she goes. For $24, we're getting 3 things, 2 of which will definitely be used. WIN!
I picked it up today, and Kaleigh was super excited about it when I set it up in the bathroom. She immediately sat on it, and since she needed a diaper change anyways, I let her sit bare on it.
A few hours later, she needed another diaper change, so I took her in and we both sat on the potties which she thought was just great. Clapping and smiles were exchanged for about 5 minutes.
Tonight, as we were getting ready to head into the bathroom to brush our teeth, I caught her squatting trying to go #2. I quickly picked her up and told her we were going to the potty, took her diaper off, and sat her down. She laughed at me since I was also sitting on the big potty, and I wasn't sure she had to go anymore. My daughter makes the most obvious face when she goes, so on improv, I made the face she does. Immediately, she mocked me, but it worked!
She stood up and a her first little poo hit the floor (which I thought was funny, even though I should've been grossed out probably. I guess after 16 months of changing diapers, nothing phases you anymore in that department). I clapped so she knew that going was a good thing, and she sat back down and promptly went on the actual potty, both #1 and #2! I didn't know if she'd gone when she stood up because the music hadn't gone off, so I was very surprised when I saw. I clapped and sang and hugged her, and showed her, and immediately she did not like what she'd done. She pointed and made a whining noise. Why? Because it's dirty and my child is the most dainty kid you will ever meet. Again, I had to fight back laughter, as I told her it was okay, and cleaned it out. I realized the reason the music hadn't gone off was because earlier, to test the motion sensor I'd filled it up with some water. I think it absorbed when she went. After it was clean, I made the music go off and I showed her it was all clean and better. It was then that she clapped and was all smiles.
I still cannot believe my child went on the first day. I was hoping I could get her to go PEE on the potty in the next month....
I am hoping that we can continue to have positive experiences with the potty. I am in no way wanting to rush her, but am super excited for what lays ahead. Who knew potty training could be so amusing?!
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