Friday was a good day.
Kaleigh and I went to the zoo, and met a couple of friends and their kids. At first it wast just Kaleigh and me, and we got to see a few of the animals. She was out of her stroller 100% of the time, as she loves walking on the paths at the zoo. It was pretty dead, since it was gray and a little wet from rain the previous night, but Kaleigh and I love the outdoors as long as it isn't raining, so it didn't stop us. The paths are paved, and it's perfect for her to practice her uphill and down hill walking without it being too steep. She can't get far without me being able to see her, and she loves looking at the exhibits by herself. Here she is walking along one of the paths:
Our friends got there and we headed to the "Zoomasium" which is an indoor area to play. It was perfect since my girlfriend sprained her ankle and was in a walking boot. We let the kids play, and then decided to get some lunch. Nothing sounded too appealing, but I ordered the chicken strips and fries. We then called it a day because all of the kiddos were getting tired. Friday night, Daddy was home at a decent time so we went out to Thai food. Kaleigh loved the yellow curry and Pad Thai, which was new to her. She'd only had pieces of the yellow curry before since Pad Thai has the peanut sauce in it. She even used her chopsticks to eat, which I thought was super cute.
Friday night was terrible. We crawled into bed about 11 PM, and I was feeling super sick to my stomach. Brian and Kaleigh were both fine, so I had assumed it was the food from the zoo. I woke up 2:30 and was up sicker than I've ever been since being pregnant. I finally crawled back into bed at 4:15, only to have Kaleigh wake up. I was up with her until about 5:30, and then she woke up again at 8:00 for her bottle. Thankfully, she went back to sleep, but by this time my body was physically aching from the vomiting and lack of sleep. Not a feeling I ever want to have again.
By the time I rolled out of bed, it was about 11:30. Daddy was at work, and Kaleigh and I were scheduled to be at a birthday party out in Lake Stevens at 2:00. I ate a granola bar and had a cup of water, and fed my kiddo, and felt ok. I had a tough time distinguishing between being deliriously tired vs nauseatingly sick. (This just reminds me of how spoiled I have been and still am by such a good sleeping baby, btw). I made the choice to go, since I felt ok, so we got dressed and went. We hung out until about 4 when I started feeling sick again. My husband was at home, so thankfully, he was dying to play with Kaleigh and I was dying to lay down, so it was a win-win for everyone. I laid down on the couch and played at much as I could while laying down. Kaleigh kept bringing me books to show me pictures and then back to Daddy. She was thrilled to have us both there.
Friday night I didn't feel like cooking, obviously, and was still feeling sick so we went to get Pho. I choked down about half a bowl before being both full and feeling sick again.
We crawled into bed super early in hopes that I could sleep off my sickness since I was going to be super bummed if Sunday was spent with me laying around.
Today is Sunday and was Daddy's first day off in at least 3 weeks, maybe 4 - (you kind of lose track after 2 weeks in our household).
Kaleigh must've known it, because, like the darling that she is, she slept in until 11 AM. Granted, she woke up for a bottle at 8, but went back down and let us all sleep. Brian and I got 12 hours of glorious sleep. Major pro, but the major con that goes along with it is that we were so tired when we woke up, we weren't sure if we felt refreshed or not. I woke up feeling fine, which was such a relief!
Our beloved Hawks pulled off an outstanding win against the NY Giants, which made for great entertainment at our house. Kaleigh and Daddy watched football and played dolls while Mommy listened to the game in the kitchen and made scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast. Both of my loves scarfed their breakfasts down, and we decided to head to Craven Farm pumpkin patch in Snohomish after the game.
Of course, once we got out there, Brian decided he was hungry so we stopped at Taco Time, which is our to choice for drive thru since their menu is slightly better for you. I got a taco salad, Brian got the enchilada platter, and we ordered a side of rice mixed with black beans for Kaleigh which she LOVED. We then decided to get gas since our light was on and cash for pumpkins and corn maze and all.
Finally, we arrived. Kaleigh was unsure at first - when we entered, there was a common area with small pumpkins and produce, and she watched. We picked her up and headed to the pumpkin patch where, again, she was unsure. She really didn't know what to make of the dirt and the vines and roots all over the ground. We pointed out a couple of small pumpkins her size, where she grew some courage and actually touched them. Now, any other kid would probably be running around excited as all get out at this point. Not our child. She was more concerned with the dirt on her hands after she had fallen and gotten back up. So dainty and cute! I had to tell her it was ok about 10 times before she finally seemed to forget about trying to wipe her hands off.
We gave her a super small pumpkin which she held for about one nano-second before she set it down. She wouldn't hold a pumpkin to save her life today!
To get to the bigger pumpkins, you had to walk through some corn. Daddy picked Kaleigh up and jumped into the corn which she immediately hated. She started to fuss, which I probably couldn't blame her for. Being picked up and surrounded by tall, green, fuzzy stuff would freak me out, too.
Finally we found the pathway where there was a path and Kaleigh walked through it holding Daddy's hand. She even touched the corn stalks.
We looked at all of the big pumpkins, and she proceeded to sit on just about every single flat pumpkin that was available for her little bum to fit on.
We let her play in the children's play area quite awhile. She got to steer a pirate ship, sit in a canoe, drive a tractor, and stand in a teepee to name a few things. She also got to see some of the farm animals.
After about an hour and a half, we decided to call it a day. We didn't have a wheel barrow so we nixed the pumpkins since we're going to another pumpkin patch next weekend with my whole family.
We went grocery shopping and came home, where I made pumpkin pancakes by request for Brian and Kaleigh. I'm not a fan of pumpkin and my stomach was starting to feel queasy again, so I opted out of any type of pancake. Kaleigh hadn't tried pumpkin since she was pretty young, and it was pureed in a mix of jar baby food, so I was excited to see her reaction. She LOVED the pumpkin pancakes - and she even ate them with her Elmo fork!
As promised to my husband, I made pumpkin cupcakes with pumpkin spiced cream cheese frosting and they turned out fabulous! My only compaint is that the frosting wasn't as thick as I'd like. I even tried a bite and was impressed - and I don't like pumpkin whatsoever.
For dinner, yours truly ate Pho leftovers from last night.
Our night ended with watching "The Good Wife" on TV before crawling into bed. My household is now quiet and I'm the only one awake, as it always is at the end of my night.
I kind of like it that way...
I still feel queasy. Nothing like Friday night, but it's there... I'm starting to worry I have some sort of bug or something and am crossing my fingers that my household doesn't get sick!
Will keep you all updated...
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